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Writer's pictureDarci Lou

The importance of trying new things

Updated: Apr 24, 2020

Hey y'all! During this prolonged time of social distancing, I have been reflecting a lot on my life. What makes me thrive? What situations make me feel the most alive? What people give me energy instead of taking it? When have I been most happy?

Staying home day after day has let me do a lot of this reflection, a lot of thinking, and then a little more. What I keep coming back to when I ask myself tough questions is 'Trying new things'. Trying new things no matter how big or how small brings joy and excitement. It can bring new people, places, and opportunities right to your door. Trying new things can be exactly what you need when you are stuck or don't know your next move. Every time I venture out to uncharted territory is when great things start to happen for me - things begin to move forward and everything clicks together.

So here are a few reasons why I think trying new things is an important AND crucial part of our every day lives.

Disclosure: I have placed some affiliate links below that I may receive commissions for purchases made through links in this post. Keep in mind, however, these are all my personal recommendations that I stand by. I would not bring them to you if I did not believe in each item. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and other, affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for us to earn advertising fees by linking to

Good things happen on the other side of fear

I am a firm believer that the best things in life are right on the other side of the things that scare us. We are scared of these things for a reason - they might bring about change or we might fail. Breaking through that anxiety and just going for it can teach us a lot about ourselves. By trying new things we test our limits, find our likes and dislikes, and maybe even realize what we were so scared of isn't that bad after all.

When I took a leap to change my career path and move across the country for an internship... I was terrified. I almost didn't go, it would've been safer not too. It would've been easier to just stay on the path I had already chosen. But I decided to change things and try something new and it has led to so many other amazing things in my life.

Creativity thrives on new experiences

In my experience, creativity flourishes with new experiences. New people and places can give you a fresh perspective and energy. For me, this manifests mostly in new places. Going to New York for the first time - seeing all of the architecture, the history sent me on a surge of creativity. I had never taken on so many projects and been so proud of my work than during the time right after that exciting adventure.

Unexpected doors will open up

Right on the other side of fear are new doors. Whether it be a job opportunity, the love of your life, or a chance to move to your dream city, when you make moves the world moves for you.

It's a good way to get unstuck

When I found myself deep in a creative rut, I wasn't sure what to do. Everything I tried led me to the same results. I was unmotivated and had no creative juice left. It was not until I started trying new things that I started moving forward again. When I was job hunting I ended up taking a part-time job in social media. This new experience helped me learn a lot and get me out of my rut!

Growth is key

What all of this has been leading up to is growth. Growing in every part of our lives is crucial. Every step forward, no matter how small, is still a step forward. We need to be ever-changing and evolving into better versions of ourselves. Creativity, new people, places and opportunities all help you achieve necessary growth in our lives.

So what new things have you tried lately?

Here are some of my favorites:

- Paint

- Enroll in a class

- Go to an event even if you don't know anyone

- Go to dinner by yourself

- Cook something new

- Don't go to the same restaurant twice in 3 months

- Be a tourist in your own city and go to something you never have before

- Travel to a city you have never been too

- Go out by yourself

- Make a video

- Learn how to use a camera and go explore

- If you want to get extreme.. try bungy jumping or sky diving

- Stop watching the Office for the 11th time and start a new show

- Sit next to someone you don't know at a party and start up a conversation


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Hey there! My name is Darci and  I created this blog with the hopes of inspiring others.


I am a photographer, designer, baker and avid traveler. You can find all my adventures, my random thoughts on life, and everything in between here! I hope you enjoy this blog as much as I love making it. Have a lovely day!

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