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  • Writer's pictureDarci Lou

The truth about wearing many hats

In life, we are often expected to fit into certain molds. Whether that pertains to our homes or professional lives we all hold onto this notion that we need to fulfill societal norms. These norms, however, do not have a final say on our lives or how we live them. They often do not hold true for most people either, it just seems that way from our perspective. We see how other people are living their lives and assume that we should be living ours the same or that we are doing something wrong because we are straying away from the others.

I really began to notice this through my creative career. I have a degree in graphic design but feel drawn to other parts of the creative field. I would come across many other designers that were so hyper fixated on graphic design alone, I started to question my loyalty towards it and my decision to spend a lot of money pursuing a degree in it.

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I was fortunate to have someone compliment me on my persistence to indulge in other creative fields. She described my journey as a "Content Sculptor" since I like to get my hands on every part of the process.

This is rather fitting to our lives as well. We are sculptors of our own lives. We have the authority to decide if we want to where a few or many hats personally and professionally. It is human nature to have many roles in life. You can be a daughter, mother, teacher, wife, and creator all at the same time.

This is a balancing act, but that's okay. Don't let someone else's expectations ruin your journey toward fulfilling your goals. You're not stuck in any mold and do not have to superscribe to being just one thing in life. Follow your interests, see where they take you, step outside of societal norms. Some of the best ideas ever thought up were by those who decided to forge their own path rather than taking the popular route.

So get creative. Try something no one has before. Embrace what makes you different.


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Hey there! My name is Darci and  I created this blog with the hopes of inspiring others.


I am a photographer, designer, baker and avid traveler. You can find all my adventures, my random thoughts on life, and everything in between here! I hope you enjoy this blog as much as I love making it. Have a lovely day!

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